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AlreadyEnough is for all of us.

​I'm an Ally, a 'once-upon-a time' pastor, a liberation theologian, a constant student and researcher, an artist, a spiritual director (in training), and a cis-gendered woman, mother, and wife (she/her)
- that's me, Amanda.
In the middle of my pastoring role, I became uncomfortably aware of how little I knew about the LGBTIQA+ community of faith and interpretive framework(s). The more I researched, listened, and dumped my doubts before God, the more shocked and frustrated I became - that's the darker but equally Holy side of the story. The other side is the gift God offered - more profound freedom induced, hope-filled, wonderfully inclusive, and, yes, uncertain faith - isn't that what faith is meant to be
- waiting for the movement of the Spirit? 
Constant un-learning and relearning have been a journey of crisis, conviction, and Holy invitations. While I thought my thesis was my alabaster jar - AlreadyEnough offers much more, pulling together a symphony of vital researchers, theologians, pastors, parents and once ignored LGBTIQA+ faithful voices. It is worth more than a year's wages, and it constantly breaks open God's Holy invitation to us all.


Sure, AlreadyEnough will potentially be ridiculed by those that do not see its Holy intention or future implications

- but it remains my sacrifice and an obedient act of worship.


So, if you're not sure where you sit on the LGBTIQA+ faith discussion, or you are but don't know why

- AlreadyEnough is here.

If you increasingly sense we could be doing better

or know there's a lot more to learn and even more to unlearn

- AlreadyEnough is for you.

If you've got LGBTIQA+ friends that won't come

near a church, or you know LGBTIQA+ people

in the church that remain silent

- AlreadyEnough is for them. 


And if you're fed up with a limited perspective or unable to have a healthy, informed, and safe discussion around LGBTIQA+ and faith - AlreadyEnough is for everyone.

No one has all the definitive answers, and we might be wrong at the end of the day. But I'm willing to risk acts of justice, love mercy, and walk with open humility - join us. 


If you would like to say hello - reach out 

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