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Much ink, thought, karakia, kōrero, and tears have been poured in researching spaces of sexuality and faith. But unfortunately, even if we know where to start, it's easy to get overwhelmed, mislead, or lost.

AlreadyResearched has done some of the mind-bending mahi for you. Below is a selection of credible and respected resources (including 'Top Pick') addressing Theological and Biblical Interpretive Frameworks and how the 'clobber' verses probably don't mean what we think.


“Rather than defining faithfulness as absolute conformity to authority and tribal identity, a trust-centered faith will value in others the search for true human authenticity that may take them away from the familiar borders of their faith, while trusting God to be part of that process in ourselves and others, even those closest to us. The choice of how we want to live is entirely ours.”

― Peter Enns

Choose one; read, digest, pray, repeat.

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Bible, Gender, Sexuality – James Brownson


Highly recommended.

This is my ‘go to’ book. If I could buy everyone a copy-

I absolutely would.

Drawing from Scripture, Brownson develops a clear, concise, thought-provoking, and researched cross-cultural sexual ethic. Addressing current debates and Biblical frameworks around LBGTIQ+sexuality and faith, in the broader context, Brownson presents both sides in this polarised debate — "traditional" and "revisionist" fairly. Conscientiously Brownson analyses all of the pertinent biblical texts and helpfully identifies "stuck points" in the ongoing debate. Brownson explores key concepts that inform our understanding of the biblical texts, including patriarchy, complementarity, purity and impurity, lust and desire, honour and shame. You might be surprised by what you discover.

Also check out Q&A; Dr. J Brownson at The Reformation Project

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Included in Christ

– Cristy Perdue

Highly Recommended

Great Reviews


You might find you want to highlight complete pages!

You'll see perspectives from both viewpoints. For example, suppose you agree with the author's premise or are unsure of your stance. In that case, this book is an excellent guide for navigating this topic according to the Bible, from a perspective that affirms, accepts, loves, and welcomes the LGBTQ community. Perdue provides readers with the tools they need both to make decisions regarding their beliefs about the LGBTQ+ community and engage in debate. Also, check out:

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What the Bible really Says about Homosexuality

– Daniel A. Helminiak

Highly Rated

Readable and thorough, this book draws together the work of many respected scholars. Helminiak explains clearly the fascinating insights of several scholars. For example, the Bible has been used to justify slavery, inquisitions, apartheid, and women's subjugation - so what does it potentially say about LGBTIQA+ people and faith. 

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Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships

– Karen R. Keen

Highly Recommended

Easy read 

Karen Keen is a biblical scholar, author, and spiritual director. She offers a fresh, evenhanded reevaluation of Scripture, Christian tradition, theology, and science in Keen’s Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships will appeal to both traditionalist and progressive church leaders and parishioners, students of ethics and biblical studies, and gay and lesbian people who often feel painfully torn between faith and sexuality. For more information on Karen and her work, see her bio at her website:

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God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships

- Matthew Vines

Highly Recommended

Highly Rated 

Vines provides an honest, personal, and carefully researched book. It is an essential read for the conservative Christian church and leaders. He addresses not only matters of sexuality but also what it means to follow Jesus with wisdom, humility, and grace.
You can also check out what he says on 'The Reformation Project'

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The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why

– Phyllis Tickle

Highly Recommended

Highly Rated

“… every five hundred years or so, the church has an epic, theological, doctrinal, ecclesial, and spiritual rummage sale.” 


And Phyllis Tickle claims the next 'rummage sale' is happening now. Shifts are indeed afoot. As a renowned religion expert, editor, and speaker, Tickle reflects on our pivotal time in Church history and describes an exciting path for the future. This is an insightful read as you gallop through profound history - the Greats (and not so Greats), the Schisms, Reformations, Transformations... and other spiritual and social upheavals. Anyone interested in the church's future, no matter what their personal affiliation, will find this book a fascinating exploration.

We'd love to hear from you if you have a book you'd like to recommend

- reach out

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Changing our Mind

– David Gushee


Highly recommended.

This insightful book  started my journey of unlearning - and new-learning.

Gushee offers a powerfully inspiring message of hope, humility, and healing for those desiring a solid yet readable starting place, creating a vision for a more inclusive church community.
Gushee takes us along a conversational theological journey through careful research and prayer. He marks significant components of historic Christian sexual morality and covers all of the relevant biblical passages and theological positions.

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Walking The Bridgeless Canyon: Repairing the breach between the Church and the LGBT Community

– Kathy Baldock

Highly Rated

Highly Recommended

Her work is eye-opening, challenging, compassionate, and considered. Kathy Baldock, a straight conservative evangelical Christian, began a journey of unlearning and discovery in 2001. Her story and book, filled with curiosity and compassion, is considered one of the most thoroughly researched books concerning the historical and political landscape regarding LGBT+ persons. Also, check out her website:
And her workshop:

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– Colby Martin


Easy read

Unclobber is a well-researched though easy read, reexamining the 7 verses often interpreted and used against LGBTIQ+ people of faith. Martin brings theological practicality and pastoral sensitivity, recommended for those who want straightforward explanations without the high-brow theological jargon. Martin reexamines what the Bible says (and does not say) about homosexuality in such a way that breathes fresh life into outdated and inaccurate assumptions and interpretations.
Also, check out Colby's Unclobber course.

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The Bible and Sexuality: A Course Reader

– Karen R. Keen

Highly Recommended

Easy read

This is an incredibly accessible and readable resource for everyone interested in sexuality in Biblical context and that translates into a workable ethic in modern day. Sexuality is one of the most important theological topics in the church today. Ministry leaders, parishioners, and family members are increasingly grappling with questions on what it means to live out a Christian sexual ethic in the 21st century. The Bible and Sexuality: A Course Reader is an anthology of essays originally incorporated into a course taught by biblical scholar and author, Karen R. Keen. Keen covers both descriptive and normative ethics, examining what the biblical authors believed about sexuality and how that relates to Christian faith and practice now.

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Reclamation: A Queer Pastor's Guide to Finding Spiritual Growth in the Passages Used to Harm Us

– Kali Cawthon-Freels

Highly Recommended


Reclamation's insights are threefold; addressing the clobber verses and how they have been used to cause profound harm, personal lived Queer realities and a way forward for Queer persons of faith and ally's. As a Queer pastor, Cawthon-Freels offers a unique and carefully considered perspective alongside sound research. Cawthon-Freels provides an equally effective healing balm to those who desperately need it, filled with sensitivity, clarity, and wisdom - that holds no punches. She offers lessons full of love instead of hate and instruction instead of condemnation, moving us beyond deconstruction. Enjoy.

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The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are

– Jenell Williams Paris



Highly Recommended

Insightful - Easy read

Ok - don't get squeamish about the title - this is a book worth reading. Anthropologist Jenell Williams Paris offers a Christian framework for sexual holiness that accounts for complex postmodern realities. She assesses problems with popular cultural and Christian understandings of heterosexuality and homosexuality. The End  of Sexual Identity moves beyond culture-war impasses to open up new space for conversations in diverse communities inside and outside the church.' 
There is so much we are yet to learn - and Christian anthropology has so much to offer our Shift. Practical and informative, there will be many "aha' moments.

120 seconds of contemplation (with coffee)

Thanks to the Centre for Action and Contemplation.

Contemplation is a way of listening with the heart while not relying entirely on the head. Contemplation is a prayerful letting go of our sense of control and choosing to cooperate with God and God's work in the world. As Father Richard says, Prayer without action can promote our tendency to self-preoccupation, and without contemplation, even well-intended efforts can cause more harm than good.


Several fabulous podcasts equally have challenged the congruency and bias of my belief systems – and I love that!

There's a quickening in my mind, body, heart, and especially soul when the Holy Spirit of Wisdom drops a truth bomb into my organised and comfortable theology. I welcome that quickening. I welcome every Holy ‘aha’ moment that Shifts something Holy and Divinely organic inside me.

Choose one; listen, digest, pray, repeat.

The Theology of Sexuality includes biological sex...

So, let's talk about sex - X,Y, GENE, SRY and cells...


Friendly neighbourhood biologist here, @RebeccaRHelm

I see a lot of people talking about biological sexes and gender right now.

Lots of folks make biological sex sex seem really simple. Well, since it's so simple,

let's find the biological roots, shall we?

Let's talk about sex...

If you know a bit about biology you will probably say that biological sex is caused by chromosomes, XX and you're female, XY and you're male.

This is "chromosomal sex" but is it "biological sex"? Well...

Instead of accusing others on the left or the right, Jesus stood in radical solidarity with the problem itself, hardly ever offering specific answers to the problem. Instead, his solidarity and compassion brought healing.


A Blessing for you
Put your feet on the ground,
breathe deeply -in -out -repeat...

God, Lord of all creation,

lover of life and of everything,

please help us to love

in our very small way

what You love infinitely and everywhere.

We thank You that we can offer

just this one prayer

and that will be more than enough,

because in reality

every thing and every one is connected,

and nothing stands alone.

To pray for one part

is really to pray for the whole,

and so we do.

Help us each day to stand for love,

for healing, for the good,

for the diverse unity

of the Body of Christ

and all creation,

because we know this

is what You desire:

as Jesus prayed,

that all may be one.

We offer our prayer together

with all the holy names of God,

we offer our prayer together with


our Lord,


-Centre for Action and Contemplation


© 2022 by Amanda Pilbrow

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