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Living Stories

Stories, persons lived reality, is a generous and vulnerable gift, offering insight and challenge.
Indeed, stories witness the inside and outside of Scripture, the messy and complicated narratives of people learning what it means to be in relationship with God, recognising God's presence in self and others. As a result, human experience plays a significant role in theology. Authentic wholeness and authentic spirituality shape our sense of identity and belonging: what it means to be human and made in the image of God - Atua.

ALREADYENOUGH invites YOU to share YOUR story. 

You are not alone - you are part of an extended LGBTIQA+ faith, and Ally whānau, where you have whanaugatanga. Your story could be exactly what someone on the same journey needs to hear. As a person made in God's (Atua's) image, AlreadyEnough's karakia is one of celebration, hope, inclusion, support, and continued learning. ​

To understand what is required, see further down the page. 

To get an idea and inspiration of how others have shared their story internationally, click here


Your Title

Your lived story.


Your Title

Your lived story.


Small Title

Your lived story.


Your Title

Your lived story.


Your Title

Your lived story.


Small Title

Your lived story.


Your Title

Your lived story.


Your Title

Your lived story.


Small Title

Your lived story.

ALREADYENOUGH invites YOU to share your story. 

At the risk of repeating ourselves...You are not alone - ever - you belong. There are so many incredible aspects to who you are... because YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God (Atua) knew YOU before you had skin, nail polish and sneakers. So, YOU belong in your faith and your body. And, there are people who would love hearing your story - so that they too can know they belong - and that they are not alone.

Adding your Lived Story to AlreadyEnough may be a bold step - and we hand on heart acknowledge the courage it may take - thank you, no really, tēnā rawa atu koe.


So, what's involved?

We'd love to see your face OR a photo of something important. 

  • 300-500 words - we aren't looking for a trilogy - just a snapshot of your authenticity.

  • This isn't a name and shame opp. - Unless you have permission, please stay away from names and places (we reserve the right to edit).

  • This isn't a coming-out/IN page - AlreadyEnough wants you to be safe and already out to your family. 

  • There are 4 areas Stories might fit into:

  • Think about what you may have needed to hear about God, self, or others.

  • Be creative - poetry, story, video, karakia, song... 

Once you are ready, please email your photo and story to

And, if you're interested in my story, check out the blog page.

© 2022 by Amanda Pilbrow

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